Farewell, 2018

a year filled of healing.
Once painful & timid,
but now, confidently;
I'm shining. 

with love, Shannon.

Hey ya'll! :) Did you enjoyed my very short poem that I wrote out of a spur moment? I hope you do somehow. heh.

    2018 has truly treated me with average of 'everything' I have to say. I've experienced all kinds of emotions that I never thought I would. The ups and downs I experienced in 2018 made me want to heal myself halfway down the road. With each down that I was in; I convinced myself that it's going to be alright, it's going to get better and that God only put me in situations that He thinks I can handle. Whereas, with each up that I was in; I told myself to never get to excited and to never expect anything from it because that 'up' may transform into a 'down' out of blue moon (and yea as expected, my predictions were true sometimes). ANYWAY, I do wanna appreciate those happy moments that I've created with my closest people in 2018; it was worth keeping them memories in the pocket of my ripped jeans everywhere I go. 

    In 2018, I can proudly say that I've improved a lot in terms of confidence. I once was a girl who was really shy in front of a camera; I preferred being at the back BUT now; I can pose a few portraits of my own with the help of my friends who have always been supporting me and telling me that I can do it and I can manage it well. It's all thanks to them that I was able to socialize more and to not be too conscious about what others may think. I still overthink sometimes and get sentimental over the past but at least I did learn how to appreciate more other than the little things but also on the bigger pictures. Also, whenever I feel down, my friends would always pull me back out of the black depressing hole honestly (they may not know it but now you know guys HAHA even if it just texting). It made me happy that there are really ones that I can trust and rely on when I'm down.

    I hope all of you had a better 2018 year than me! HAHAHA Just because I felt like ya'll would make better decisions than me since for me; I'm a clumsy, indecisive and lack of confident type of person who makes wrong decisions most of the time and say what is on her mind without even knowing whether did she offended or insulted the other person - that's Shannon for you heh. BUT despite my weak points that brought me nothing but obstacles and more challenges, I know that I never fail to always try to stay cheerful and to accept the things around me and most of all; be happy in the little things. 

    I sincerely hope that YOU ALL had a great time reading my blog posts. I truly hope that ya'll feel inspired or motivated after reading it or maybe just me being able to put a smile on your face when you read my posts. Even if your life may seem harsh right now, don't feel anxious and don't lose hope because my aim of this reflection post corner is to put a smile on ya'll faces or at least made you think through deeper or thoroughly into your own life and also learn to appreciate the little things in life like how I am currently doing. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I hope ya'll continue to anticipate and support my future posts in 2019!

May the NEW YEAR begin!

Sincerely, Shannon

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