towards something you love

Hey ya'll, it's been awhile since I wrote a reflection about something but no worries; I ain't abandoning it cause here I am!

What would you do when you found some 'thing' you love?

    Well, idk bout ya'll but for me; effort is the first thing I thought of on what I would put into it to reach where I want to be. When you have something you love, you would tend to work really hard to get it. You would even go through into sacrificing something just to get that 'something'. I mean, same goes for human's connection - one will sacrifice something they once thought was important but in the end; because of that someone they love so dearly, they are willing to leave those behind them and reach what they REALLY want in their life (LOVE would be the answer for this situation). ANYWAY, the moral of it is to not just apply with words BUT with actions too and those actions are the efforts you put to achieve something, be it a gadget, a vacation or something related to your heart's emotion. 

Treasuring 'it'

    Once you get what you would want to have, you treasure it (similar to effort but this is known as the efforts done during it). Efforts are not just a one time thing people; they are on-going. They need to be in the before and during process. One tends to treasure with something they got with their own capabilities. They treasure it like that is the only thing that allows them to live. Same goes with relationships and friendships; we need to put in effort in after we got that partner to look our way. We gotta continue to let the spark goes on and on (best is forever obviously) so that the bond becomes stronger and both of them continues to love each other more as each day passes. For me, I would treasure something that I got on my own money and something that I worked hard for it more compared to something that I got for free honestly. It's not about the materials, it's because those efforts that I put in into receiving those gifts and materialistic things made me appreciate them more.

Will those 'things' you love be with you forever? 

    Answer is; it depends on how much you put your efforts into protecting it and cherishing it. You may have it beside you forever even if it's worn out or torn (for materials) and you may have that someone you love dearly beside you forever if both of you put effort in to maintaining it. HOWEVER, you may lose it because it really can't be repaired anymore (for materials) and you may lose him/her if one of you never puts the effort as a TEAM in to maintaining the relationship. BUT at the end of day, the actions and efforts matter A WHOLE LOT than you think of it in general. Of course, the efforts will be shown and conveyed properly if you put in those efforts in the correct way. Just always remember that those efforts are not something troublesome but something you are doing it while being happy about it. You will NEVER feel like its tiring while putting effort into it because effort is something you do on your own will. You will enjoy the process every second of the day. If it means a lot to you, you WILL do it. Period.

Sincerely, Shannon

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