The Little Things

  Have you ever completed a puzzle before? Or maybe finished colouring a piece of printed artwork or a colouring book? I guess these little things are what made us felt satisfied with our childhood today as youths and young adults living in a techno world.

  Our 90s childhood was filled with little things that were so precious to us. They were the memories created by ourselves and we could share to our future children. They were the little things that kept our childhood special in a way that we could even differentiate the 20s kid today and the 90s kid - us. It was special. 

  I remember the days when I played Word Search on a book and I even recorded how fast I could complete them. It helped me improve my English and it helped me occupy my time when I didn't had mobile phones back then. It was a book that I cherished so much that I still kept it and flip through the pages filled with lines drawn with highlighter pens and magic pens. I also remember the time where I couldn't find a word and still tried not to look at the answers at the back of the book but in the end it failed as I went to the back and searched for answers before my patience in finding that one particular word wears off. 

  There were the days that I could draw on concrete floors with coloured chalks bought by a church friend of mine. Those coloured chalks were crafted into figures of human and I didn't want to use it because it was so pretty. But since I was child, I still use them anyway as I draw hopscotch and numbers on floors at my front house. Drawings that every kid will draw too were drawn on the cemented floors where you could see the yellow shining sun at the corner, a house with two windows and one door, bushes of flowers and a tree beside the house. It was pretty to me back then as I drew them countless time whenever it fades away. 

  These little memories were the little things that I appreciated and enjoyed doing when I was a kid. From colouring to patching the puzzle pieces to doing voice imitations while playing teddy bears and other stuffed toys were one of those little precious things where I think it's embarrassing yet funny at the same time. But in the end as I look back to those days, I do wish that I could turn back time and enjoyed it a little bit more longer than I could. They were so exciting to me when I was a kid before my fingers started touching on those screens filled with apps, cameras and messages in it. 

  The little things we went through back in the days were precious and I guess we do have to keep them in our memory and share them when we get the chance to. Appreciate the little things because they are like charms that made into who we are today - the children who knows the true definition of 'FUN'. ;) To the 90s kid, we are indeed awesome! Heh. 

The colour pencils that I used when colouring printed artworks and drawn artworks were one of the most often things I did back in the old days. 

The 'Word Search' book that I spent hours finding words I know but sometimes words I don't even know and was lazy to go and open the thick vocabulary book that people would call it 'The Dictionary'. :p 

As the melody flows...

  From classical music to R&B music genres, they are all one of a kind - They are music that our ears love listening to.

  I found out that every human, us have one thing in common that is listening to songs that we love. Like me, R&B are one of my favourite genres of music that I often listen to. From Korean to English, I listen to all R&Bs. The melody in each lyrics that they sang it at the top of their lungs were wonderfully pitched and beautifully composed. 

  Some music can be inspirational, some may be romance songs that people would play it whenever wedding bells and wedding rings appear infront of us. Inspirational songs can inspire us or people who are depressed to get back up step by step. Every music has its meaning I suppose. That's why lyrics are one of the most important part when composing a song; they give an important impression to people who wants word of advice and maybe inspiration to write a blog post. ;) 

  Lyrics can be important but the tunes are the best part of every song we listen to. Whether it's catchy or melancholy; they are all songs that can actually change our current emotions from sadness to happiness shown on our faces or maybe from broken hearts to mending hearts. The emotions in us changes fast as we put on our earphones to allow the tunes to tune our emotions to what we are supposed to have in our heart and mind. 

  Melodies we hear are what we become today too. We listen, we follow the advices, and we become the person we are today through the songs and music we listen to everyday. The peaceful melody that calms our piece of mind, the R&B soul music that gives us fun and thrilling, exciting moments to dance to and the disco music that we can party with to shake our body a little once in a while. 

  Not only songs are considered as music too actually. The nature is like music from the real nature that calms your mind. The sound of waves splashing, wind blowing, trees dancing, birds singing and even raindrops that hits on rooftops are lovely music to us. They portrayed the true beauty of nature to us humans who have only just focus on gadgets and technologies. Nature did a good thing and it's all thanks to our God who made us these natural phenomenon that helps us calms our mind and souls since we all know that we are always stuck in between these messy mess and more pile of mess that we can't clear them completely. 

  Music is what we love and music can change ones' life from a timid person to a cheerful person. Music can do a lot of things in our lives as we use them to control our heart, mind, soul and most importantly - Emotions. Listening to music is one of the best ways to calm yourself and relax if you need some alone time to lie down and just rest. 

'The wind blows and the trees just starts dancing. What a wonderful nature scream.' ;)