
    Have you ever experienced the feeling of doubt? where you would feel unsure whether that one particular person is genuine or just putting on a facade or maybe you'd feel uncertain whether the words of encouragement from a friend you only know a few months were sincere or not deep down in their heart; is it meaningful or not. Basically its a feeling of suspicion towards a particular someone you know.

    For me, I've been through a lot of stages for the past 18 and soon to be 19 years of my life. I doubted lots of people to be truthfully speaking from friends and peers to sometimes people that I'm close with. Well, I know it's bad and hurtful if my friends know that I doubted them in the past so I'll apologize sincerely first; I'm sorry. As a young timid kid in the past who doesn't speak up or talk much, I tend to over think 24/7 of my life about friends, my future and my life and especially doubt on my own life whether am I doing the right thing or not. But one thing from forming the feeling of doubt changed me to who I am today and that's how I slowly learn to be open minded and at least a little honest to me, myself and I. 

    Doubts are hurtful and terrible especially in worse case scenarios where you realized you have thoughts that your closest friends are cheating on you, using you or betraying you in whatever matter but instead; just to let you know, you are cheating on them too by just a single doubt you have in your mind right now. This leads to the thinning of your friendship strings  and at the end of the day of conflict rising; 'SNAP!' your friendship ends unfortunately and yeah, it's REALLY sad cause that's when you'll go through a few days being a lone ranger. 

    However, there are times doubting can be a little helpful; at least to say where we would train ourselves to be more alert of our surroundings and the alert towards the people we hang out with. We try to not trust easily at the end of the day to avoid ourselves from getting hurt and its good actually, it shows that we know how to protect ourselves in my point of view. In contrast, people will know that you are firm and strong enough to stand on your own and that you are not someone who can be used easily and get kicked easily like a ball. 

    Hence, the main point of doubting is to know when to doubt where there are moments that we should doubt before we do anything rashly and times where we should not doubt when we already know its perfect and balanced. Sometimes it's all about moderation like how one would eat moderately of their favorite junk food in order to get their summer body line they hope to have by summer; we too need to learn how to doubt moderately. Life is a roller coaster ride; 'up and down here we go' but always remember that we will definitely have a day we can live without any worries, simple yet satisfying type of happiness that we will face when all problems are solved. And most of all. do not worry 365 days as one should always trust in the Lord and believe in Him as He continues to write our exciting roller coaster journey but with a purpose in one's life. 💙

"Like how the sun shines and makes the ocean beams, let's shine even in our darkest days too."

Sincerely, Shannon.

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