Things that makes me happy

   From hoodies and long comfy sweaters to sneakers and sport shoes; those made me happy. But unfortunately, those are the things that made me happy for only a short while as I avert my eyes on something that's even more important; things that were meaningful in my life. :) 

    I remember the time where my family would go out on Saturdays with another family to have dinner together. In fact, it still happens now. We see each other grow taller, older and more mature and we see each other going from primary schools to Univerisities. Some may have gone to out of their comfort zone and study abroad and some may have stayed and continue their studies, but one thing that didn't change was the gathering we have between two families where we would tell stories about our weekday happenings. Even though one member in a pack is not around, remembrance is always the key in keeping us together as Saturday buddies and these every Saturday get together are what makes me happy & I love that. 

    I also remember the time where we would text each other in our group chat; 'When can we meet up', 'Where should we go?' are questions we always asked each other in Whatsapp and the times when we could find time to meet up; we were excited for it. Whether it's going to the movies or just leisurely walking around malls with no destinations in our mind, we were having fun as we share our stories from each of our univerisities and school stories. We might be on our different pathways, but our friendship was so tight that even though we told ourselves we were busy and had no time to hang out, we'd still be able to find the time to meet up and have fun. The four of us, sometimes five or six; we made a group of great friends during our high school days despite the fact that we had different characteristics, we were a group of friends that was trying to pull each other from the ground together and one thing that made me happy about it is we are still doing it till now. I thank God where I am able to meet you girls and I hope that we will be able to meet up soon! ;) 

    Time flies as God continues to write my life stories whether it's a companion or new friends to meet. They were all a great existence that came into my life. A companion that would be patient with my crazy self as he accepts me for me where we could have fun times together going through cafe websites and going to that destination we want to whether it's under hot suns or pouring rain. To top it off, friends that I could make jokes with are one of the things that makes me smile all the time. We might have some dramas between groups but we were able to pull it through somehow even though it might not be a perfect landing as we convinced each other to look on the bright side everytime we see the dark side coming on us. From doing things we love together to always thinking of where should we eat for lunch every single time after our lecture ends, these are the things I feel happy and I hope this things will last forever; at least longer than the objects that I have at the palm of my hand. 

    The moments and memories I have in my mind until now, from having my tears of joy being shed from touching moments to the sound of laughters coming from my friends where they would wear smiles on their faces without fail; these are the things that makes me happy as I continue to hope I can see those moments every single day of my life as I thank God for their existence on this earth. :)  

Just like how these tiny flowers grew beautifully, I hope the little moments and things in life will continue to increase more as we appreciate them from the bottom of our hearts like how the roots put their faith in these flowers too! 

Sincerely, Shannon. 

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