All in 'Black & White'

  These days 'black & white' becomes the new trend instead of neon colours or just 'colours'. Photographers takes pictures in black & white too and you know what? I truly love it! 

  Black and white is not old anymore. We remember the days where our grandma and grandpa had their photographs in black & white and we said it has no colour and it's boring. But the perspective that we have right now changed rapidly and now it's a rad picture. 

  Things may get even more popular with black & white photographs these days since it's a trend anyway. But black & white photographs surely does show a lot of contrast into the picture. The black & white photographs that shows a 'behind-the-scene' story made their grandchildren from the 20th century to start feeling curious of their past that has never been told to them since they didn't ask about it. That's when memories of our grandparents came rushing into their minds as they share how nostalgic it was back in their old fun days. 

  Black and white pictures is like a mystery to me. They show a mellow feeling and at the same time they show a feeling that actually calms our eyes at the same time. The simplicity in that picture does not have a bright colour that outshines the other colours in a picture. They are indeed a fair play as I can say. They don't fight against each colour. They have their different shades of black and gradients of white in it. 

  Remember that I said that black and white have a feeling of a 'behind-the-scene' story? Well, I edited a few of my photos in black & white and I really love sharing my photos to all of you readers out there. So here are some black & white photographs that I took and have a true story behind it

This photo that I have taken is a unique thing that I have discovered when I was out shopping with my friends for sunglasses. They knew I had a thing in photography so they let me took a picture of my reflection when I asked them since it became an idea for me. The shades of black from a concentrated shade of black to a light one made me knew that black isn't all that boring. That's why I used black & white. 

This was taken in J.W. Marriott hotel in Malaysia. It fascinated me when the lights sparkled like the stars. It was beautifully installed in every angle at an exact distance between them on ceilings and on floors. I edited it in black & white to show its lights clearly. This picture symbolises the lights that shines like the stars. 

This photo was taken in Taipei, Taiwan. It may seem a little vague in this photo but it has a story in it. This is the structure of one of the MRT station in Taiwan. It has only 4 of them just to let you know (it has a story behind it but I'm not really clear of it ). In the outside it will look like this (in coloured) :

BUT if you walk to the back and go in, there's an escalator that goes to the underground mrt. People may not see it but I always look up to see if there is anything interesting about its building structure and there you have it! A complicated structure! It was complicating to me when I saw it on sight as my eyes became tired after taking a few shots because of the bright lights. So I went back to my hotel to edit it ( of course it's in black and white when it comes to this ), only then I know it wasn't that complicated but a good word to top it off, "detailed". I was in love with this picture. ;) 

Last of it is this picture! It was taken in Bangkok, Thailand. It was in a shopping mall in Thailand ( I can't remember the mall's name ). There were stickers sticking on wooden floors and this sticker hit me like a rock. The sentence was short but it showed a very strong meaning to all of us. I edited it in black & white because this picture made me realized a lot of things. It made me realized that my life created by God is a gift. It may look depressing to you but this picture in black and white shows that I must appreciate and cherish my life in black & white as I choose the right beginning before I start my journey in the future. 

  These are some black and white pictures that I have taken in the past as I edited it with pure and true meaning in my mind and heart. I really hope you enjoy it! Thanks for taking your time in reading it if you finish reading ALL of it! :)